Paroles de Blow the man down (version originale)
As I was a-rollin’ down Paradise Street
Timme way hay blow the man down
A big Irish copper I chanced for to meet
Oh give me some time to blow the man down
Says he yer a Black Baller by the cut of your hair
Says he yer a Black Baller for the clothes that you’s wear
Says you’ve sailed in some packet that files the Black Bail
Hey you’ve robbed some poor Dutchman of boots clothes an’ all
Oh policeman oh policeman you do me great wrong
I’m a fiying fish sailor just home from Hong Kong
So I stoved in his face an’ I smashed in his jaw
Says he young feller you’re breaking the law
Oh Liverpool ship with a Liverpool crew
A Liverpool mate and a scouse skipper too
Oh we’re Liverpool born an’ we’re Liverpool bred
Big in the arm boys and thick in the head
An’ blow the man Up bullies blow the man down
With a crew of hard cases from Liverpool town
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A propos du chant "Blow the man down (version originale)"
Chant à virer anglais – Voir traduction "Cogne-lui dessus"